Signs and Symptoms of Tremors and MS

  1. Signs and Symptoms of MS
  2. Common Signs and Symptoms
  3. Tremors and MS


Tremors and MS are conditions that significantly affect individuals both physically and psychologically. Understanding the signs and symptoms associated with these conditions is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment at UK Cannabis Clinic. This article delves into the intricacies of tremors and MS, shedding light on their manifestations and the available management options, including whats the difference between indica and sativa.

Exploring Tremors and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

MS is a chronic, inflammatory neurological disorder that chiefly damages the myelin sheath, the protective layer around nerve fibres. Tremors are a common symptom of MS and are typically caused by damage to the myelin sheath in the cerebellum or the nerve pathways essential for coordinating movement​1​. These tremors can impact various body parts, including the hands, impairing the ability to speak, eat, drink, or move around.

Types of Tremors in MS

  1. Essential Tremor: It triggers involuntary shaking in several body parts, predominantly affecting the hands, arms, legs, head, and voice.
  2. Cerebellar Tremor (Intention Tremor): This type of tremor, associated with MS, worsens as you use the affected limb, such as arm shaking when you reach for an object​2​.
  3. Spastic Tremor: Induces jerky movements, making walking difficult and causing weakness in limbs.

Diagnosing MS and Tremors

Diagnosis encompasses a comprehensive medical history, physical examinations, and specific tests like MRI scans for MS. Tremors are evaluated through physical examination and possibly electromyography (EMG) to measure muscle electrical activity.

Treatment Options

Treatment for MS-induced tremors is an ongoing process, necessitating a personalised approach. Some of the treatment options include:

  • Medication: Beta-blockers, anticonvulsants, and muscle relaxants are common medication options.
  • Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy: Helps in managing symptoms and improving the quality of life.
  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgical interventions like Thalamotomy and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) are considered. Thalamotomy involves destroying part of the thalamus to reduce tremors​3​. DBS involves implanting electrodes in the brain to block nerve messages causing tremors​4​.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Including stress management, exercise, and avoiding certain substances like caffeine.

Living with MS and Tremors

Living with MS and tremors can be challenging but manageable with the right resources and support. Various support groups and online communities provide a platform for sharing experiences and garnering advice.


Understanding the signs, symptoms, and available treatment options for tremors and MS is crucial for effective management and improving the quality of life. Seeking professional medical advice is the initial step towards a better life.

Further Reading

Sarah G
Sarah G

Meet Sarah, the driving force behind With a heart for helping others, she's dedicated to providing clear and compassionate guidance to those facing multiple sclerosis. Having witnessed the challenges of MS firsthand, Sarah is committed to empowering individuals with knowledge about early signs, testing, and the resources available.As a trusted source of information, she ensures that offers expert insights and up-to-date content. Sarah's mission is to ease the journey of those seeking answers about MS diagnosis, offering a ray of hope and practical advice.With a background in healthcare advocacy and a passion for making complex topics relatable, Sarah's writing style ensures that everyone can access the information they need. She knows that a supportive community and reliable information can make all the difference in facing MS, and she's here to guide you every step of the way. Join Sarah on this important journey towards understanding and managing multiple sclerosis.